It's that time again. The big yellow can with windows is making stops all over town, collecting children and depositing them into the various prisons, I mean schools.
Yesterday was the first day back for the Public Schools in our Town. My kids spent the day sleeping in, enjoying the sound of the rain on the roof, snuggling with the dog, sharing games and stories and then playing with friends. They also took a few minutes to turning one of the bedrooms into a "cabin" for Camp Smith. We have friends who are having a family health crisis. Their 8 year old daughter is staying with us this week so they can attend to the needs of their loved one and she does not have to spend 10-12 hours a day in a hospital room fretting. We are so grateful to be able to serve them in this time of their need. Their daughter has spent several weeks with us, at various times of the year, just because we love her and they now live out of State. Homeschooling has allowed us to meet the needs of our family, without constraint and planning. When my mother-in-love lost her husband unexpectedly, the kids and I were able to spend 3 weeks with her in Florida to help get her adjusted and just be there to love her. We got to experience a hurricane (Charlie!) and learn how to make the best of a pile of challenges. It was a blessing to us to share that time with her.
This year the kids have explored many new interests, and I am grateful everyday to be able to support them as they follow their passions.
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