Saturday, December 8, 2007

Wish List Item #3

3. "Quit interrupting my kid at her dance lesson, scout meeting, choir practice, baseball game, art class, field trip, park day, music class, 4H club, or soccer lesson to ask her if as a homeschooler she ever gets to socialize."

I think I covered most of this in my last post, but let's explore a bit more. My children participate in all of the above activities, at various locations throughout town and our surrounding area. They meet children and adults from many races, religions and socio-economic standings. THEY ARE WELL SOCIALIZED!!!!!!!!

The End.


Agawa said...

I live in Poland so I have to go to school but I think that learning at home is good idea because young person (like me) can learn how to planing time and think about education by myself. I know that my comment isn't very well and interesting because I learn English and my language isn't very good yet.

Angela said...

yes they are well socialized, it does not matter if there homeschooled, or go to public/private school.

If there active outside of the house, for arts and crafts, gymnastics, etc that helps alot, that molds them, as well as mom and dad, siblings.

My daughter has been very active over the years with in karate, gymnastics, ballett, arts and crafts, she is still very young.

She is almost seven and has taken ballet since age 2 1/2it pays off, you mold them as you go along as well.